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12 Jul 2024 20:34:05
Penquins trade Rust retain 50%

Leafs trade liljegren or McCabe and Jarnknok

Leafs don't have enough scoring . They have a few secondary pieces but we can't be sure how much they will score

Tier one

Tier two


David 1 Mackin

1.) 12 Jul 2024 20:56:54
The fact you keep putting McCabe in your trades (who is making 2M RN makes me thank the heavens that you’re not GM. And for a forward.

2.) 13 Jul 2024 00:47:12
Who are you trading a 22 year we don’t know how good he is?


Marner who has not come close to peaking yet?

So let’s do math

Trade chips are Kampf and Jarnknok

They don’t bring back much but they do clear $4.5 million

Now who else have you got to trade? You got jack clarke jack nothing.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 01:07:05
But Rust is the saviour for our offence lol.

4.) 13 Jul 2024 01:57:23
Honestly Mackin I think they should use this year to develop Cowan on the Leafs and give young guys like Steeves a chance. Go for it next year with Marner off the books and JT making 40% less. If Tre can’t put a team together then, he has no excuses.

5.) 13 Jul 2024 02:58:01
McCabe is everything the leafs need on defence right now. He is there don’t take rubbish guy back there and just plays pissed off. And at that cap hit no way throw pussy Liljegren in there instead brutal trade.

6.) 13 Jul 2024 08:44:30
Marner puts up 130 points this year

You don’t think he wants to say something on the ice

He is damn good

You can’t make a Marner trade and win it


Then u think they let him walk he wants to play here

He probably takes 11 million and Tavares walks

I don’t think Tavares = stamkos.

7.) 13 Jul 2024 10:50:34
Mackin we shouldn’t be worried about winning a trade, the goal here is to try and make this team better. I don’t care what Marner does once he leaves this team. If we lose the Marner trade but make it to the 3rd rd of playoffs, is it really a loss?!?!

8.) 13 Jul 2024 14:57:20
Losing a trade (in theory) is better then losing him to free agency.



01 Jul 2024 23:08:23
Leafs trade Jarnknok Kampf

New Jersey 3 rd round pick 2025

Huge improvement need more scoring please sign Stamkos

Leafs have really improved they need to make amends with Nick Robertson.

Secondary goal scoring is needed don't let Robertson leave because the Leafs have abused him

Domi Matthews Robertson
Knies tavaras Nylander
McMann Stamkos. Marner
Reaves Holmberg Steeves

Reilly Tanev
McCabe Liljegren
Binot Larson


David 1 Mackin

1.) 02 Jul 2024 04:42:22
Stamkos plays for Nashville now….

2.) 02 Jul 2024 12:32:27
I have a strong feeling Trotz will be disappointed in Stammer.



17 Jun 2024 15:59:59
Leafs trade Kampf

Jersey trade 7 th round pic

Leaf's life who is bettter Nylander or Marner

I say Marner is way better and Leafslife what do you think Matthew says if Treivling tells him Marner is being traded


Trade me also

Do you think he would stand by and let Leaf's blow up this team

There is no way Leafs win a Marner trade he is top 10. Player in the world

David 1 Mackin

1.) 17 Jun 2024 16:27:23
Marner: More points in the regular season
Nylander: Actually shows up for playoffs.
Wasn't Kampf worth a 3rd not too long ago?

2.) 17 Jun 2024 18:23:35
I don't think Matthews cares if Marner is gone if it makes the team better.

3.) 17 Jun 2024 18:31:48
I would have rather kept Marner for 8 years at 11.5M over Nylander. At least he plays defence in his own end. What star player on one of the top Cup contending team gets away with the half assed, no heart efforts on the defensive side of the puck? They both turn the puck over too much at the blue lines. Maybe we should get rid of both. Lol.

4.) 17 Jun 2024 20:02:16
We're probably keeping both and running it back for the 100th times seems like.

5.) 18 Jun 2024 00:51:45
@Clarky and there's the issue lol. I am still waiting to see this greatest defensive forward in history, Marner, in action.

6.) 18 Jun 2024 02:39:26
After watching Marner’s childish meltdown on the bench during the playoffs I got the impression that Nylander and Matthews were getting tired of Marner’s immaturity.

7.) 19 Jun 2024 02:48:17
I agree WB49. I said a while ago that teammates will get tired of his whining to refs etc and he needs to just concentrate on playing the game. I think Willy giving it to Marner on the bench gives an indication that they are tired of it.
I think Matthews was getting tires of Willy's Lack of effort at times and now some are tired of Marner whining.



11 Jun 2024 23:42:26
Leaf's Jarnknok
New Jersey 3 rd 2024

Keefe loves Jarnknok


Nick Robertson is just 22 years old. I have a son that age. In three years you don't think he is much better than he is now

Let's look at these players numbers @ 22 years old

Kadri was with marlies @22
Hyman was as university of Michigan @22
Nylander with leafs 54 games 27 points
Marner with leafs 55 games 67 points
Matthews with leafs 70 games 80 points

My point is if your a full time NHL player @ 22 your really good as

David 1 Mackin

1.) 12 Jun 2024 08:16:06

Your having a bad week

Marner is far more valuable than either Brady or Matthew

Within 2 or 3 seasons Mathew breaks down and Brady is not the player Mathew is

Look at numbers of Brady he isn't a top 15 player in the world like Marner is. Actually Marner is a top 10 he is far more valuable than Nylander.

The problem isn't Marner the problem was Bertuzzi and Domi are not Kadri of Hyman.

2.) 12 Jun 2024 11:55:46
Brady will never put up points like Marner can, but he brings an awful lot to the table. A true Leader, someone who will stick up for his teammates. Having him in the lineup let's Reaves sit in the press box and makes room for a skilled hockey player to be inserted in his spot. No need to resign Domi, but instead someone who puts up solid point production (nothing against Domi) .

3.) 12 Jun 2024 19:45:27
@Lstink who else you getting for that money that gets more points?



10 Jun 2024 03:23:15
Calgary trade Kadri retain 50%

Leafs trade Nick Robertson and 24 1st round pick

Leafs get scoring at a very good salary and Calgary gain two major assets for their rebuild

Kadri has told flames he doesn't want to play for scorch the earth rebuild team

David 1 Mackin

1.) 10 Jun 2024 08:46:49
It’s cute that you think Cgy is gonna retain 14M over the next 4 years for a late 1st and Robertson? And to do it with Tre? But this is one of your more reasonable ones Mackin and I’m glad to see you trading Robertson finally. He does not fit on this team.

2.) 10 Jun 2024 10:56:42
Clarky17 Robertson is going to be a player this season you will see much more from him

If you look at what has prevented lLeafs from Stanley cups it's not Mitch Marner iit was trading the scoring behind the top four. Trading Kadri and letting Hyman walk killed the team

Bertuzzi and Domi will never equal the talent they lost in Hyman and Kadri

But today you can see the secondary scoring is start to build up to heights we have never seen


That's 7 spots that are only going to cost Leaf's about 8 million

The $4.5 million you have tied up in Jarnknok and Kampf will be traded at draft which will give Leafs $22 million in cap space

Pesce looks like a target $6 million should get it done
Domi and Bertuzzi only fit if they give Leafs dollars for more Years if they take 9 million between themselves it's doable

That would give them $7 million for a goalie and one more scoring forward

Clarky17 next season Toronto is much better and Boston Florida Tampa are much worse.

3.) 10 Jun 2024 12:38:35
@WM will you be saying hoe good Robertson is going to be in 2030 as well? I'm still waiting.

I see the effort, but nothing else.




David 1 Mackin's banter posts with other poster's replies to David 1 Mackin's banter posts


17 Jun 2024 05:39:47
WendelClark no way no way no way

Sign and trade

Leafs trade Robertson

Boston Jake Debrusk

So Debrust is 28 when season starts and will probably get $6.5 to 7 million in free agency sone team could offer him $8 million

Robertson will be 23 when season starts and get $2 million on a bridge deal

Debrusk 80 games played 19 goals 21 assists and is regressing

Robertson 56 games played 14 goals 13 assists and his career just starting

You would make this trade no way I would

Roberson is a Cheap player for many years and his numbers double next season.

David 1 Mackin

1.) 17 Jun 2024 12:31:25
Where is the playoff numbers Mackin. Not sure why you don’t seem to care about playoffs. Robertson was a ghost while Debrusk was eating us alive. Need players that elevate their game when it matters Mackin not go in to their turtle shell. So yes I would 150% make that trade if we had the cap space but no way Debrusk is getting more than 5.5/ 6M.

# PleaseTradeRobertsonCampaign.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 00:56:13
Who is offering Debrusk 8 mil? Did someone hire Mike Milbury and I didn't notice?

3.) 19 Jun 2024 02:52:36
Mackin gives DeBrusk $8M so Robertson will sign a team friendly 3X$4M deal. Diabolical really.



05 May 2024 03:36:06
Leafs trade samsonov

New Jersey 7 th rounder

Woll plays game 7 leafs win

Pulling Robertson was mistake he is much more capable of scoring goals than Gregor or Dewar

I think Florida are a freight train that roll over bruins

Just because leafs have more money to spend off season they will be much better next year

Domi if money same I add yrs and resign him

What do you guys think of Bertuzzi who had big last 30 games ?

What would you pay Bertuzzi and what.

David 1 Mackin

1.) 05 May 2024 16:26:14
@DM Then why didn't he score when in?

2.) 05 May 2024 17:40:39
He played in the previous 6 games. Got some PP time. Had 11 shots on net and no goals. You always want to trade Kampf and he actually scored. He didn't even pick up a point and was a -2 in 6 games. That's why he sat game 7.

3.) 06 May 2024 12:51:18
I was referring to Robertson not getting a point etc. to be clear.



29 Apr 2024 15:50:25
Leafs trade jarnknok Kämpf
Utah 3 rd. 2024


You can't blame keefe the mix is wrong that is treliving fault

David 1 Mackin

1.) 29 Apr 2024 17:34:00
@DM two things can be true at once.



29 Apr 2024 01:14:01
Leafs trade first 2026 Knies Abruzzese

Calgary trade Markstrom

Leafs are going to have a great offseason they finally round out this team and Tavares enters his finally year at that killer cap number

Leaf's will have close to 20 million in cap space with players not returning that Leaf's have no interest in resigning


Leaf's need a goalie markstrom is a good target as Calgary are in a full rebuild.

Leaf's need two defencemen I would like to see Pesce and Skjei

Those three players would eat up most of the cap but leaf's would have around 5 million to spend on a forward. I try to sign Stankos offer him more years and get him for around 5 million per

So leafs would need Minten and Cowan to join big club

Robertson Matthews Cowen
Mcmann Tavaras Nylamder
Quillan Stamkos Marner
Reaves Holmberg Steeves

Reilly Pesce
Skjei McCabe
Benoit Liljegren


I think leaf's can squeeze this under the cap offer Stamkos 5 years if needed at 5 million per

That top line will bring more scoring than Domi and Bertuzzi bring

David 1 Mackin



28 Apr 2024 02:09:52
Leafs trade Jarnknok Bertuzzi Domi Kampf samsonov Brodie

Arizona 1 st round pick

Those are the players that are not coming back

Bertuzzi and Domi with Matthews isn't really working and if they can't support Matthews there is no place on the team for them

Jarnknok and Kampf 4.5 million for two forth liners best they trade both

Samsonov is not going to win a team a Stanley cup do leaf's make a trade for Calgary starter

Brodie is just washed up as is Giordano both might retire

It's hard to understand how the leafs can be beaten like this but they really need to fix this in free agency

Treliving did awful last year in free agency if he does it again he should be fired

Leaf's need three scoring lines Domi and Bertuzzi will need to be replaced with higher end scoring. Leaf's need 2 defencemen and a goalie Keefe doesn't believe in woll

Sad leafs go out in 5

David 1 Mackin

1.) 28 Apr 2024 03:24:14
How on earth, can Tre find 2 high end forwards+2top 4 D in free agency?

2.) 28 Apr 2024 14:23:56
Valid question LL.

We certainly need at least 2 very good UFA signings.
And I suppose the ability to accomplish this hinges on shedding some salary. For example trading Marner allows the Leafs to look at Reinhart, Stamkos, Stephenson up front and Skej (? ), Pesce and a few others.

I think there might be a couple of SHL and KHL players that could be decent acquisitions. If I’m Tre I definitely would be active in that market since it’s doesn’t subtract from what we have.




David 1 Mackin's rumour replies


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17 Jun 2024 04:54:03
Leafs are worse with your trades

They are not stepping backwards.

David 1 Mackin



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17 Jun 2024 04:07:09
After this trade are leaf's better or worse

Give me a break WendelClark leafs are not taking a step back

They lose first round 7 th game Boston in overtime and Mathew's Marner and Nylamder Woll were all hurt during series

Next season


Are gone

Minten Cowan join team

Leafs add huge defencemen

At least one maybe both


David 1 Mackin



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16 Jun 2024 05:56:52
I'm ok with that 2 minor deals and leafs have no future plans that include those 3 players

Trading Jarnknok and Kampf gives lesfs $4.5 million in cap space

Leafs core that I don't trade


Tavaras is either brought back at 50% reduction or he walks

So next season leafs could gain his 11 million in cap space

So leafs cap situation is in great shape after next season. Only 4 of 16 players are costing significant cap space. It the forwards and defenceman that they bring in this off-season that's crutial

I hold onto Bertuzzi and Domi only if the cost is right they don't score enough so I'm not paying more than $4 million on each player but I would give them term.

David 1 Mackin



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12 Jun 2024 08:16:06

Your having a bad week

Marner is far more valuable than either Brady or Matthew

Within 2 or 3 seasons Mathew breaks down and Brady is not the player Mathew is

Look at numbers of Brady he isn't a top 15 player in the world like Marner is. Actually Marner is a top 10 he is far more valuable than Nylander.

The problem isn't Marner the problem was Bertuzzi and Domi are not Kadri of Hyman.

David 1 Mackin



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10 Jun 2024 10:56:42
Clarky17 Robertson is going to be a player this season you will see much more from him

If you look at what has prevented lLeafs from Stanley cups it's not Mitch Marner iit was trading the scoring behind the top four. Trading Kadri and letting Hyman walk killed the team

Bertuzzi and Domi will never equal the talent they lost in Hyman and Kadri

But today you can see the secondary scoring is start to build up to heights we have never seen


That's 7 spots that are only going to cost Leaf's about 8 million

The $4.5 million you have tied up in Jarnknok and Kampf will be traded at draft which will give Leafs $22 million in cap space

Pesce looks like a target $6 million should get it done
Domi and Bertuzzi only fit if they give Leafs dollars for more Years if they take 9 million between themselves it's doable

That would give them $7 million for a goalie and one more scoring forward

Clarky17 next season Toronto is much better and Boston Florida Tampa are much worse.

David 1 Mackin




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16 Apr 2024 16:52:36
15 plus min a game would be nice Robertson has never had it.

David 1 Mackin



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15 Apr 2024 00:19:25

Lists the teams Robertson has scored against. Never have I seen a comparison like that used to determine the value of a hockey player.

Is Matthews less of a scorer if he scored more goals against non playoff teams compared to playoff teams.

It’s ridiculous

But now we enter playoffs next weekend and mark my words Robertson is in lineup and he will score goals.

Next season his role on team is significantly higher

Lets compare numbers

The two Robertson brothers

First I’m looking older brother and I’m also checking what older brother did as a 22 years old


The last season that Jason Robertson played less than 60 games was as a 21 year old in 2020 - 21 season . Jason played only 51 games

Jason Robertson 2020~21 51 games 17 goals 28 assists 45 points
Nick Robertson. 2023~24 54 games 14 goals 12 assists 26 points

Nick had 2 goals called back this year due to a toe being offside. So the two players nearly match for goals in a similar role in and out of lineup.

Nick Robertson has never had a role with a leafs team and I’m expecting next year he is a full time player. So look for similarities in numbers next year between both brothers

We see in Sept what’s shaping up in camp but Nick Robertson is full time leaf next season. This year I expect he does damage in playoffs we will see?

David 1 Mackin



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29 Mar 2024 19:10:28

I forgot to add a E ok u win

I’m sure you would agree that McMann was a great signing and he would be great on a third line with a UFA CENTER and Marner

Who has the second best one timer on Leaf team it’s Robertson

Next season I slot Robertson with Tavares and Nylander

I would offer Robertson same contract as McMann

I just think going forward Robertson is going to score a lot more than Knies

This will create a logjam at camp

Bertuzzi Matthews Domi
Robertson Tavares Nylander
McMann UFA Marner
Reaves Holmberg Knies.

David 1 Mackin



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29 Mar 2024 18:55:15
You guys are correct it doesn’t matter really and I think the Rangers and Carolina are easier matchups

If you compare where Leafs are now and where they will be at start of next season

Next year should really be best team Leafs have iced in years

You have to love the signings of


The three next signings I want to see is Domi and Bertuzzi Jones and Robertson

But Leafs can add term to Bertuzzi and Domi but they must get a better price on both players

3 or 4 year deals on each player

Domi I need him to come in at $2.5 million and Bertuzzi I would prefer $3.5 million but I would go to $4 million

I’m sure Bertuzzi doesn’t want a 1 year deal again so give him the term he wants. It’s crucial Toronto add one more top 6 forwards in free agency . So Bertuzzi needs a big haircut

Bertuzzi. Matthews Domi
Robertson Tavares Nylander
McMann UFA Marner
Reaves Holmberg Steeves

Reilly UFA
McCabe Liljegren
Benoit Niemela


This lineup will allow you to spend on two very high UFAs.

David 1 Mackin



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18 Mar 2024 05:11:04
I can make a case that Robertson if he played all 82 games this season he gets 20 goals. I look at Robertson and I can see him doing better than Debrincat who is 4 years older than Robertson and put up two 40 goal seasons .

All that’s missing for Robertson is finding better spots of ice to release his shot. You saw last night with very little room the power he got of on his shot that was a goal. He is very similar to Matthews he isn’t quite as good but both have that great release. Look for Robertson to put up 30 goals next season. It will be a breakout year for him and at less than half what they pay Jarnknok I don’t think Robertson is going anywhere.

How about Matt Duchene between McMann and Robertson. Top nine below

Knies Matthews Marner
Domi Tavares Nylander
McMann Duchene Robertson
Reaves Holmberg Cowen

That’s a much better scoring team. Bertuzzi may have brought physicality but he can’t be relied on to score goals consistently. With Detroit he he 30 goals and last year with Boston he had 5 goals in 7 playoff games but besides that he has never really produced goals.

David 1 Mackin