06 May 2024 01:32:12
Can't see it happening but would love to see this

Tor trades Marner 10.9 mill 1 yr

Philly trades
Konecny 5.5 mill 1 yr
Farabee 5 mill 4 yrs

Farabee is said to getting moved this summer and Konecny has 1 year remaining on his contract same as Marner.
Philly is getting the best player in the deal. Also the cap hits combined almost line up. Toronto likely has to add to deal.
Not sure if Philly is in full rebuild cause they just extended 25 year old Owen Tippett. Marner is 27 same as Konecny and they were talking about extending him so may have interest.
The real question though is would Marner waive to go to Philly and play under Torts.

Thoughts? Again can't see this happening but...

1.) 06 May 2024
06 May 2024 02:50:34
To me, the biggest issue is Torts. You bring in Torts because you want to play a certain style, and Mitch just isn't it.

Value is probably at least close though.

2.) 06 May 2024
06 May 2024 12:40:17
Torts doesn’t like soft players
I believe Nashville is the trade target and marner would wave his no move clause.

3.) 06 May 2024
06 May 2024 12:48:43
I think your right that Philly would probably want an extension in place and are they willing to give Marner the possible $12M+ he may want.

4.) 07 May 2024
06 May 2024 22:26:08
The more I think about it, having Marner getting slapped around by Torts may be the best thing for him.