08 Dec 2023 16:41:00
Alright a small blockbuster to send Willy packing:

To Tor: Larsson, Tolvenen (speedy winger that puts up points and better than Willy away from the puck

To Sea: Nylander.

1.) 08 Dec 2023
08 Dec 2023 19:27:27
I like the targets.

How about a little bigger trade.

To Sea: Nylander, Lilygren, Robertson and Kampf.

To Tor: McCann, Larsson, Borgen and Tolvenen.

2.) 08 Dec 2023
08 Dec 2023 21:37:59
Original deal is a great start but Seattle would owe the counter was too greedy

Nylander comes to play with not replace McCann to make Seattle bite on overpaying for nylander.

Start with asking for Wright . if no
1 of Rehkolf firkus dragicevic next tier with a 2nd
1 of Sale evens Nelson next tier with a 1st

I think Seattle will bite.

3.) 09 Dec 2023
09 Dec 2023 02:51:01
Larsson is a good target but Tolvanen shoots left so it does nothing to fix the hole on the right side left by Nylander’s departure.
It does add to an abundance of LWs something Leafs do not need.

4.) 09 Dec 2023
09 Dec 2023 14:31:39
Yes Tolvanen shoots left but he plays right wing and has for quite awhile.

5.) 09 Dec 2023
09 Dec 2023 16:50:18
I don't mind this trade but I think Seattle should add. I personally, would want Dragicevic added in.